Our Team

Tracy Skaggs
Tracy SkaggsFounder & Executive Director
Project Recovery’s Founder & Executive Director, Tracy Skaggs, graduated from Spalding University in 2022 with her Bachelor of Science in Social Work with a Minor in Addiction Studies, receiving the Mother Catherine Spalding Service Learning and Social Justice awards. She is returning to Spalding University graduate program to obtain a master’s in social work and is expected to graduate in June 2024. Tracy also resides on Indiana’s 211’s Advisory Board, a division of the Family & Social Services Administration.
Tracy’s passion for social work and harm reduction stems from her personal experiences with drug use, the world of social services, and the barriers people face. In 2020, Tracy began collaborating with local leaders, organizations and community members who have been impacted by the overdose crisis to advocate for law enforcement and the city fire department to be equipped with naloxone. In August 2021, the city fire department began administering intranasal naloxone. In January 2023, the county sheriff’s department initiated a naloxone program.
Kevin Yurt
Kevin Yurt Board President
As the President of the Board for Project Recovery, I bring a personal passion for the cause alongside a profound understanding of the challenges individuals face in addiction. I have firsthand experience with addiction and understand the struggles that come with it. My own recovery has given me valuable insights and deep empathy for those dealing with addiction. I am committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for recovery. With strong leadership, empathy, and personal experience, I will guide the board in making impactful decisions and implementing effective strategies. I am honored to take on this role within Project Recovery and together we will work to break the chains of addiction and provide support to those in need.
Barbara Kyriss
Barbara KyrissTreasurer
“I realized I could not ‘fix’ anyone but me after working the 12 steps. Helping with this program lets me still love others and give hope.”
Olivia Hartman
Olivia HartmanIT Support
Olivia has been passionate about Social Work since she saw injustice as a child and decided that someone needed to do something about it. She just recently received her Master’s degree in Social Work from IUPUI. While in school she has worked at multiple non-profits to gain experience in a variety of areas. She hopes to help Project Recovery grow through the use of social media to reach those in need.
Laurryn McDaniel
Laurryn McDaniel Board Member
Laurryn McDaniel has an extensive background of volunteer work and internships in the fields of intimate partner violence services, violence prevention, primary education, legal aid, grief support, church administration, pregnancy resource center services, family support, law enforcement, and adult entertainment industry outreach. Laurryn loves building relationships and building stronger and healthier communities as a result. She currently works as a Communications Associate at the Institute for Shelter Care, which is an organization dedicated to providing the best care for survivors of human trafficking. Laurryn has a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Olivet Nazarene University and an M.S. in Social Work from the University of Louisville.
Rev. Allan Wallace
Rev. Allan WallaceBoard Member
Allan is passionate about helping neighbors in need and does much of this work in his role as the Rector and Priest at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. He has seen how addiction affects the body and mind throughout his 20+ years as a Paramedic, with experience responding to overdose incidents, treating patients in-hospital, and supporting family and friends fighting addiction. In his role as pastor, brother, and friend, he has seen the impact of addiction on families, relationships, and faith or spirituality. Being involved with Project Recovery and their efforts, allows him to stay involved and continue the compassionate work that must be done to ensure that everyone has a chance to love, to be loved, and to know that God loves them all along the way.
Dr. Uric Dufrene
Dr. Uric DufreneBoard Member
Uric Dufrene serves as Interim Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and the holder of the Sanders Chair in Business at IU Southeast. He previously served in the executive vice chancellor role for 7 years. As the Sanders Chair in Business, he gives the annual outlook for Southern Indiana and Greater Louisville at the annual Economic Outlook Breakfast and Mid-year Outlook programs. Professor Dufrene also speaks to various community groups and organizations and provides commentary on the economy to various media outlets. Dr. Dufrene is a proud first-generation college student from Bayou Lafourche in South Louisiana. He obtained his BS and MBA from Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana and his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi. Prior to assuming the role of Executive Vice Chancellor, he served as Dean of the School of Business for seven years, and an Assistant Professor of Finance.